815 research outputs found

    Fiscal capacity of the city: the assessment of the influence on the sustainability of urban environment and the quality of living (the case of «second» cities of the Russian Federation)

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    The modern financial situation demonstrates tough asymmetry in financial development between the territorial units, which are the capital cities, and the «second» cities of constituent units of the Russian Federation. This is based upon chronic deficit of inner financial sources for covering the budget expenditure items of the latter ones. The instruments of municipal units’ fiscal capacity level equalization, which are being implemented by the national government, lead to adverse effects. These effects of national fiscal practice include the resource dependence on the upper level and lack of interest of the «vice-capitals’» local authorities to broaden the inner income base, disbalance between economic, social, natural-resource components of urban environment’s sustainable development and the fall of the residents’ quality of living. In this connection, the effectiveness research of the current managerial mechanism of fiscal capacity of the «second» cities of constituent units of the Russian Federation in the context of the sustainable development concept is extremely important. The results of the survey on the packaged approach to economical and statistical assessment of the fiscal capacity level as a defining factor of sustainable development of the urban environment and the residents’ quality of living in «vice-capitals» of constituent units of the Russian Federation (the case of Magnitogorsk and Nizhniy Tagil) are presented in this article. Having used the packaged approach, the authors have brought to light the interconnection between the level of the «second» cities’ fiscal capacity and indicator values of ecological and socio-economic well-being of the analysed area. Additionally, they have revealed the character and direction of this connection as well as assessed the competence of management of the financial opportunities generation and usage by means of determining the indicator values of the areas’ fiscal capacity as of the current date and comparing them with optimum values

    Mathematical modeling of thermal stabilization of vertical wells on high performance computing systems

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    Temperature stabilization of oil and gas wells is used to ensure stability and prevent deformation of a subgrade estuary zone. In this work, we consider the numerical simulation of thermal stabilization using vertical seasonal freezing columns. A mathematical model of such problems is described by a time-dependent temperature equation with phase transitions from water to ice. The resulting equation is a standard nonlinear parabolic equation. Numerical implementation is based on the finite element method using the package Fenics. After standard purely implicit approximation in time and simple linearization, we obtain a system of linear algebraic equations. Because the size of freezing columns are substantially less than the size of the modeled area, we obtain mesh refinement near columns. Due to this, we get a large system of equations which are solved using high performance computing systems.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Профілактика адміністративних правопорушень у сільському господарстві: поняття, особливості та види

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    Васильєва, Н. С. Профілактика адміністративних правопорушень у сільському госпо- дарстві: поняття, особливості та види [Електронний ресурс] / Н. С. Васильєва // Форум права. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 63–68. – Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/jpdf/ FP_index.htm_2014_2_12.pdf.Васильєва Н. С. "Профілактика адміністративних правопорушень у сільському господарстві: поняття, особливості та види." Форум права 2 (2014): 63–68.Проаналізовано погляди науковців на поняття профілактики правопорушень. Визначено поняття та ознаки профілактики адміністративних правопорушень у сільському господарстві. Досліджено особливості вказаної профілактики. З’ясовано види профілактичних заходів у сфері сільськогосподарської діяльності. Проаналізовано повноваження суб’єктів адміністративно-правової протидії правопорушенням у сільському господарстві щодо здійснення профілактичної роботи. Визначено недоліки правового регулювання профілактики адміністративних правопорушень у сільському господарстві та запропоновано шляхи їх подолання.The views of scholars on the concept of offenses prevention are analyzed. The concept and features of administrative offenses prevention in agriculture are defined. The features of indicated prevention are characterized. The types of prevention activities in the field of agriculture are determined. We analyzed the subjects’ powers of administrative and legal counteraction to offense in agriculture to implement prevention activities. We determined deficiencies of legal regulation of administrative offenses prevention in agriculture and proposed ways to overcome them.Проанализированы взгляды ученых на понятие профилактики правонарушений. Определено понятие и признаки профилактики административных правонарушений в сельском хозяйстве. Исследованы особенности указанной профилактики. Выяснены виды профилактических мер в сфере сельскохозяйственной деятельности. Проанализированы полномочия субъектов административно-правового противодействия правонарушениям в сельском хозяйстве по осуществлению профилактической работы. Определены недостатки правового регулирования профилактики административных правонарушений в сельском хозяйстве и предложены пути их преодоления

    Namenarten und ihre Erforschung : ein Lehrbuch fur das Studium der Onomastik

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    Book review: Namenarten undihre Erforschung. Ein Lehrbuch fur das Studium der Onomastik. Anlasslich des 70. Geburtstages von Karlheinz Hengst / Hrsg. von Andrea Brendler und Silvio Brendler. Hamburg: Baar, 2004. -1024 s. [Lehr- und Handbilcher zur Onomastik / Hrsg. von Andrea Brendler, Hannelore Puerschel und Gisela Schneider. Bd. 1]

    An Essentialistic View of the Species Problem

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    Plastic raw materials in Neolithic pottery production

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    The paper is dedicated to the investigation of various natural silts as the most ancient type of raw material used in pottery production. The authors describe the specific features of the composition of plain and mountain silts, and discover the same features in ancient ceramics from different regions in Russia. It can be concluded that silts were the earliest raw material used, a tradition that faded away during the evolution of pottery production.V članku predstavljamo raziskave različnih vrst naravnega mulja, ki predstavlja najstarejšo vrsto surovine za proizvodnjo lončenine. Opisujemo specifične značilnosti sestave mulja, dosegljivega tako v ravnini kot v gorah, ter jih primerjamo z najstarejšo lončenino iz različnih regij v Rusiji. Sklepamo, da predstavlja naravni mulj najzgodnejšo vrsto surovine za izdelavo keramike, in da se je ta tradicija proizvodnje lončenine sčasoma izgubila

    On Project of School Spelling Dictionary of Yakut Language

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    The project of “School spelling dictionary of the Yakut language” for secondary school students is considered. The relevance of the study is linked with the approval in 2015 in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of new spelling and punctuation rules of the Yakut language, which in turn is determined by the decrease in the prestige of literacy in the eyes of young speakers of the Yakut language. It is noted that in the same year, taking into account the innovations, “Spelling dictionary of the Yakut language” was reissued, on the basis of which the school version of the spelling dictionary is developed. It is indicated that the need for the introduction of the latter is due to the school tasks of studying spelling, a large spelling dictionary being beyond them. The author substantiates the necessity of compiling a dictionary focused on the student, describes its concept and objectives, features of content and structure. The features of inclusion in the school dictionary of various lexical units, including obsolete words, dialect words, some terms, homonyms, proper names, are shown. The author demonstrates the system of marks accepted in the dictionary and the conditions for inclusion of a meaning in the dictionary entry. It is noted that the words borrowed from the Russian language are represented in the new dictionary phonetically, differently than it was accepted by tradition in the Soviet period

    On Spelling Adaptation of Initial Consonants in Russian Borrowings in Yakut Language

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    The article is devoted to the problem of spelling adaptation of the words borrowed from the Russian language in the Yakut language. The aim of the research is to analyze the peculiarities of the Russian consonants transmission in the beginning of borrowed words by means of the Yakut language. The study is based on the material extracted from modern lexicographic sources: published volumes of “The Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Yakut Language” and “Spelling Dictionary of the Yakut Language.” The theoretical basis for the study are the methodological provisions of N. D. Dyachkovskiy on the description of the system of Yakut language consonants. The main methods of work are the continuous sampling method, lexicographic analysis method, descriptive method. The results of the analysis of spelling changes of Russisms that have undergone phonetic development are presented. It is shown that at the stage of adaptation, the stems of borrowings can maintain the original spelling or undergo various transformations in accordance with the principles of writing, prevailing in the theory and practice of Yakut writing. The author explains that the changes are determined by the difference in the phonetic systems of the Russian and Yakut languages. The obtained results can be used in the practice of compiling “The One-Volume Explanatory Dictionary of the Yakut Language.

    Codification of Spelling Norms of the Yakut Literary Language

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    The problem of the development and codification of spelling norms of the Yakut literary language is considered. The relevance of the article is determined by the attention of researchers to the deep development of spelling issues in the languages of small nationalities. The purpose of the article is to study the history of the focused activities of Yakut philologists in developing and fixing the spelling norms of the Yakut literary language. The author used the synchronous-descriptive method including observation, interpretation, comparison, generalization. A review of the codes of the Yakut spelling and spelling publications for practical purposes, approved by official institutions. Attention is paid to the features of the codification of modern Yakut spelling carried out in 2001, the “Spelling Dictionary of the Yakut Language” (2002), as well as the new version of the Rules of the Yakut Spelling and Punctuation (2016). The spelling dictionary is considered as an experimental publication on the spelling of borrowed words from the Russian language in two versions - in phoneticized form and in the Russian outline of the basics of borrowed language units. The material presented allows us to conclude that the current Yakut spelling can successfully provide a uniform and stable spelling of all Yakut words, including borrowed ones, transmitted in phoneticized letters